

Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Master, Interaction Design and Technologies

South China University of Technology, GuangZhou, China   (ARWU Ranking 101-150)
Bachelor, Information and Interaction Design, GPA 3.83/4, Ranking 5/28


NetEase Game, China, Interaction Design Internship    2022.7-2022.10
GuangZhou, China

  • Cooperate with the game interaction designer, responsible for the game interface editing work
  • interface with the game development engineers, follow up the development progress of each module
  • According to the requirement document, independently complete the design of the game UGC module and push the progress of the module implementation
  • Integrate and maintain game assets, develop user interface.


Chalmers Avancez scholarship
    -Chalmers University of Technology
Excellent Graduation Design
    -South China University of Technology
2022·UXD Award
2022·European Product Design Award
Cover tuition fees

Second Prize

“Technology and Innovation Track”· 2nd prize
Silver star(National finals) Bronze



Fenglvv's Toon Shader

-Japanese style character Shading

  • Covering most of the techniques for rendering Japanese cartoons characters, based on Unity URP
  • The model and texture are from "Girls Frontier".
  • I modified partial assets (through blender) to reach better effect


-Unity Tool Coding

  • Create any shape of trail under player and generate RT
  • Support fluid / trail / wave / patterns
  • Trail will be drawn on a canvas moving with player(refreshing in realtime), so you can draw more detail within screen and erase trails outside screen

Pixel Forge

-2D Game Engine Design

  • ECS architecture
  • 2D parallel render pipeline
  • 2D light with shadow
  • Cellular automation

Shader practice

Here is a list of shader practice, with the majority focusing on a single effect.

Toon Water

Toon cloud

Other Practice

I have not had the opportunity to work on a complete team project, but I have made some attempts in the game development field on my own. While it may not be as visually appealing as creating graphics, I have learned a lot from the experience.
Here are some other exercises I have done in OpenGL and DCC tools.

More subjects are still in organizing