Fenglvv's Toon Shader

Subjective rendering of Japanese style character. Model from Girl Frontier2 MMD.
Click here to download playground (*^_^*)
[Press left mouse button to rotate, scroll the scroller to scale and move and press to move ]


This shader showcases part of the process for rendering Japanese cartoon characters.
The shader is based on Unity URP and utilizes URP RenderFeature to achieve certain effects. I modified some parts of the model, mainly the normals, to improve the shading effect.

Feature in shader

  • NPR + GGX highlights + Disney Diffusion
  • Normal extrusion outline, Monospaced inline
  • Screen space dynamic fringe
  • eyebrows piercing through hair
  • SDF facial shadow
  • Kajiya anisotropic highlights

Other details

  • Normal remapping for optimizing hair lighting

  • Use FlowMap to reconstruct Tangent for drawing Kajiya highlights.

Lousy job~

Don't forget! Click here to download playground (*^_^*)
[Press left mouse button to rotate, scroll the scroller to scale and press to move ]